Survive on 35

I’m intrigued recently by a slew of bloggers challenged to “Survive On 35,” or complete 7 days worth of healthy, at-home eating on just $35 per person.

I do not believe that this challenge would be possible for my household. We live in NYC where food prices are EXTRAVAGANT to say the least. And if you want organic strawberries or cage-free eggs? Be prepared to shell out $6 a pop for each of those. I can’t just visit the farm down the street for cheap local produce. Yes we have farmer’s markets, but the prices there would make your head spin.

The other question is whether I would WANT to just barely survive on $35 a week. I love eating! And I love cooking equally. To me that means sometimes splurging on fancy ingredients, locally made products and organic herbs.

I guess I should consider myself lucky that I don’t HAVE TO survive on $35 a week. But it definitely has opened my eyes to thinking about scaling back and using only what’s necessary.

Could you survive on $35?


I just watched about fifteen minutes of the film Earthlings.  Now all I want to do is become vegan, lock myself in my apartment and only eat plant food that I have grown myself. Humans are awful to animals–that’s all I have to say.

Spring Cleanup

Hi Friends! Happy Monday 🙂 Hope you are enjoying a mild, sunny start to the week like I am here in Brooklyn!



As March comes to a close and the weather starts to warm up for good, most people naturally use this time as a “cleanse” from all things winter–we clean our houses, edit our closets, amp up our workouts, get pedicures and bikini waxes. It feels good to lighten ourselves and spend more time outside in the sunshine. 

Last week I got my first pedicure of the season (the very BEST one in my opinion) and today I am due for a haircut. I can’t wait to feel bouncy and light! As part of the BbU Model Project, I get my hair cut for free at the Bumble and bumble University in the Meatpacking District. It really is the best deal ever–I get a professional haircut by a seasoned stylist with individualized attention from a master stylist at one of the best haircutting institutions in all of NYC. Not to mention, the building is modern and cool with a view that is absolutely to die for! I’ve never left there less than completely pleased with my style or color (and a pledge to one day afford to PAY for a haircut there). Seriously girls, their products are top notch and their whole philosophy on hair is amazing. I can’t wait to see what they do to me today!



How do you clean up your life or your look for spring?

Stellar Spring Snack

Howdy folks! How’s this lovely hump day treating ya? Good? Great!


Today I made an epic snack. And I’m giving you the recipe. You can thank me later.

Here’s what you need:


1/2 an apple (choose a sweet, not tart variety)

1/2 cup greek yogurt

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

sprinkle cinnamon


THAT’S IT! Layer these in a bowl and devour. You could mix it around if you like, but I preferred not to because it doesn’t look nice that way! I prefer my food to look pretty. 🙂 A nice mix of protein, fat and fiber to keep you full all afternoon!

Other favorite snacks of mine include baby carrots and hummus, celery with peanut butter, spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the jar (what?), and simply sliced fruit.

 What’s your favorite afternoon snack? 

Food Funks

Happy Thursday everyone! What’s on your agenda for this weekend? For me, it is my usual Saturday AM yoga followed by wedding venue shopping with the parents! We think we have found the perfect venue for us and our summer 2013 wedding, and now it is time to bring both sets of parents there to finalize the decision. I am SO EXCITED! I can totally picture us having a ridiculously gorgeous and fun party there. Fingers crossed!


Today I want to talk about food funks. What is a food funk, you ask? Well if you are like me, you frequently fall into the trap of eating the same. thing. every. day. For me this is frequently breakfast: everyday for the past three weeks I have eaten half a chopped apple, 1/2ish cup of greek yogurt, 1T ground flaxseed, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a handful rolled oats. Same thing. Everyday. Tastes good. Good for me. Why change?

I drink the same smoothie nearly everyday as well. That’s OK though because its the best smoothie recipe ever. Try it and I doubt you will argue with me.

This also happens pretty often for me at restaurants. I find one thing I LOVE on the menu, and order it every. single. time. Maybe I like the predictability of what I’m going to eat? Maybe I’m too lazy to consider alternatives? At least its usually healthy…

What’s For Dinner?

Tonight’s Dinner:



turkey meatballs (ground turkey, garlic, carrots. onions, celery, fresh thyme)

jar of low sodium Fra Diavolo sauce


What are you having for dinner tonight?

The BEST Smoothie Recipe Ever

I drink a protein smoothie nearly everyday, workout or not. Not only does it ensure that I meet my protein needs for the day since I’m not a big meat eater, but it is easy & delicious! My chocolate cravings are always satisfied after one of these babies.  Into the blender goes:

1 banana, broken into pieces

1 cup coffee (I use whats left in the pot from that morning–and yes, I make extra coffee just for this purpose)

splash of milk (any variety you choose–I use almond but you could also use coconut, rice, or dairy milk)

8-10 frozen cherries

1 scoop Sun Warrior Chocolate Protein Powder

1 scoop Green Vibrance

1T peanut butter

1t cocoa powder 

handful of ice cubes



Aaaand there you go! Delicious and nutritious, plus a caffeine boost. This is a basic recipe with room for many different substitutions–vanilla protein instead of chocolate, any other frozen fruit instead of cherries, any other nut butter besides peanut, fruit juice instead of coffee.


What is your favorite smoothie combination?

A to Z: Learn About Dani

A to Z

I’ve been watching this survey jump around from blog to blog lately, most recently spotted at LindsayinNYC.  Read on to learn a little bit about me!

A is for age: 28.

B is for breakfast today: Steel cut oatmeal in the rice cooker with ground flaxseed and cinnamon mixed in.

C is for currently craving: A burger! It’s been MONTHS since my last one (I’m not too big on red meat these days). Plus, Shake Shack just opened a few blocks away and I have yet to visit.

D is for dinner tonight: Turkey meatballs and tomato sauce in the slow cooker with pasta.

E is for favorite type of exercise: I love bootcamp style workouts.  Brooklyn Bridge Bootcamp is a really great one around here–I can’t wait to jump back into it once the weather gets warmer! I also love HIIT style workouts such as Bodyrock or Insanity. Yoga is another favorite of mine–I do it every Saturday, a necessary accompaniment to a week of intense training!

F is for an irrational fear: Doctors. I am terrified of doctors and will make up any excuse not to go.

G is for gross food: To me, gross food is anything greasy fatty and unhealthy. There are plenty of things I don’t like, but I wouldn’t consider them gross, just not my taste.

H is for hometown: Valley Stream, NY.

I is for something important: My engagement ring! We just got engaged a few weeks ago in Coogee Beach, Australia. 

J is for current favorite jam: Still kinda stuck on that Rhianna song, We Found Love. Great workout song!

K is for kids: Someday. Not today. Or tomorrow.

L is for current location: Brooklyn, NY.

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Happy Hour drinks at Birreria for one of my very best friends who is moving halfway across the world this week.

N is for something you need: Everything on the Lululemon website. 

O is for occupation: Attorney

P is for pet peeve: People who have no idea how to walk effectively in NYC. Look in front of you. See what/who is coming. Anticipate and react accordingly. DO NOT wait until a collision to change your path.

Q is for a quote: Stay far from timid, only make moves when your heart’s in it, and live the phrase “sky’s the limit”. -Notorious B.I.G.

R is for random fact about you: I LOVE driving and love cars. Right now I live in Brooklyn where I don’t need one, but I cannot wait until the day when I can go to a dealership and pick one out! I drive stick and I used to valet park at a beach club.

S is for favorite healthy snack: Celery and peanut butter is my current fave. So crispy and refreshing!

T is for favorite treat: Chocolate. And champagne.

U is for something that makes you unique: I have little ridges on the outside edges of my ears. Fiance calls them “elf ears”. I do not disagree.

V is for favorite vegetable: Hard to pick! I love spinach and mushrooms, and also broccoli. Depends how its prepared–and what season we are in! Cucumbers rank high on the list as well.

W is for today’s workout: Day 15 of Jamie Eason’s 12-week Trainer. LEGS!

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Dentist only.

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: 60 degree weather; walk through Park Slope with my fiance; Salted Caramel gelato and Oatmeal Raisin cookie ice cream sandwich (YES!!)

Z is for your time zone: Physically I am EST, though I frequently operate on PST.